Dairy Barns shares its story to the readers of Essentials Magazine

We were so pleased to have featured in the July 2012 edition of ladies lifestyle magazine Essentials – their Big Summer issue!

We were selected to share our story and to talk about how we spend our summer at Dairy Barns. Hot days, a cool beer, balmy evenings – these are the things that many of us conjure up when we think of summer but here at Dairy Barns, our summer is really quite different it being our busiest time of the year, both for Dairy Barns and Lound Farm – the family farm.

But it is not all work, work, work, we love to take time out and create our very own mini holiday at home and set up our tent in one of our own fields. We can’t spend too much time there because we’ve got to run the businesses so we usually leave the tent up for a few weeks and try and get back as often as we can.